i know you will be eager to see your gallery so along the way i will share a few sneak peeks with you on my instagram feed. if you don’t have instagram not to worry i can upload your sneak peeks on your online gallery. this will be Available to view Digitally through your online protected gallery where you will be able to share with friends and family. if you love love love an image and want it printed you have the option to buy prints through the gallery or you can like your favourite pictures which i can use to build and design a wedding album or if you just want to download, you can. all wedding galleries will be sent to you on a personalised usb flash disk as a keepsake. With package 3 you get ten 6x4 prints of your favourite images - all you have to do is like the images you want and i will have these added to your keepsake box.


peronalised keepsake